• More Information

    Visit Attendance Works for in depth
    information regarding attendance and
    how to combat chronic absenteeism:
    Attendance Works

    Watch this video from Attendance
    Works to hear from parents about the
    importance of attendance and ways to
    help their child attend school everyday:
    Bringing Attendance Home

    Visit this link often to tune into various
    webinars where you can listen in to
    current directors/ administrators talk all
    things attendance:
    Attendance Works Webinars

    View this infographic that outlines the
    importance of attending school
    everyday and who is affected by
    chronic absences:
    Attendance Works Infographic

    Watch this short video that describes
    the prevalence, causes, and academic
    consequences of chronic absenteeism
    nationally and to see how three rural
    school district’s in California’s Central
    Valley was able to boost attendance:
    Attendance Matters

Attendance Success Team

  • The Attendance Success Team at PUSD is committed to advancing student success by

    establishing district wide best practices for improving student engagement in learning
    and reducing chronic absenteeism. Improving school attendance improves success in
    school. As a small team we are able to connect families to school resources and create
    capacities for a successful year for each student.

    With your commitment and support, we envision PUSD students coming to school on
    time, every day, more connected, supported, and engaged in their learning community. As
    a team we work alongside the school administrators, teachers, community groups, the
    students, and their families, to find creative, long-term solutions to attendance barriers and

    What is chronic absenteeism? 

    More than 8 million students nationally miss more than 10% of their school days in a year,
    the standard measure for chronic absenteeism. Arizona schools and PUSD schools have high
    rates of chronic absenteeism when compared to national

    Nationally, an average of 1 in 6 students are chronically absent, while in Arizona the number
    increases to 1 in 5 and in Prescott the number can in fact at times increase to 1 in 4.
    Chronically absent students are distinguished for a variety of reasons.

    "Broadly defined, chronic absence is missing so much school for any reason that a student is at risk of not reading in early grades, failing middle school classes, and dropping out of high school."

    For more information visit the link: Chronic Absence – The Problem