Enrollment Information


  • For enrollment, you will need to provide the following documents:

    • Proof of residency such as:
        • Valid Arizona driver’s license, Arizona identification card 
        • Valid Arizona motor vehicle registration 
        • Valid United States passport
        • Property deed
        • Mortgage documents
        • Property tax bill
        • Rental agreement or lease (including Section 8 agreement)
        • Utility bill (water, electric, gas, cable, phone) 
        • Bank or credit card statement 
        • W-2 wage statement 
        • Payroll stub 
        • Certificate of tribal enrollment or other identification issued by a recognized Indian tribe
        • Other documentation from a state, tribal, or federal agency (Social Security Administration, Veterans’ Administration, Arizona Department of Economic Security, etc.)
    • School records (i.e., transcript, report cards, test scores, special education paperwork)
    • If not living with a parent and not age 18, guardian papers are required

    Summer Enrollment Timeline 2024

    Discovery Gardens Early Childhood Center is now enrolling for Preschool at all four sites. Discovery Gardens is located at  the Washington, Taylor Hicks, Abia Judd, and Lincoln campuses.  We welcome all families to visit our Gurley Street at Washington School office to enroll.

    Summer hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am-2:30 pm.

    All Preschool enrollment must be completed in person at Discovery Gardens:  Washington site only (Park on Alarcon Street and walk to the double blue doors).

    If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Kasten at jamie.kasten@prescottschools.com


Grades K-4

  • PUSD offers free, all-day kindergarten at all three of our outstanding K-4 elementary schools. Children who turn five years of age before Sept. 1st are eligible for kindergarten in the school year.

    Should my child enter Kindergarten early?

    We welcome all students to PUSD, including those who live outside the district boundaries, based on space available. New student registration is ongoing at this time. Follow the enrollment link, at right, to begin the enrollment process.

    Summer Enrollment

    • May 29 - Last day of registration at elementary schools.
    • Early entrant applicants are placed if all early entrant policy guidelines are met.
    • June 1 – July 15 - Registration forms may be filled out online.
    • Parents must wait until schools re-open on July 13 to submit final documents.
    • July 15 Registration resumes at elementary schools.
    • New students living in-attendance areas are given spots immediately.
    • New in-district, but out-of-attendance area students registering on or after June 1 will not be given placement until July 20.
    • New out-of-district students registering on or after June 1 will not be placed until July 27.

    For further information, contact your neighborhood school.

    Abia Judd Elementary | 928-717-3263

    Lincoln Elementary | 928-717-3249

    Taylor Hicks Elementary | 928-717-3276

Grades 5-6

  • We welcome all students to Granite Mountain School, including those who live outside the district boundaries, based on space available. New student enrollment is ongoing at this time. Follow the enrollment link, at right, to begin the enrollment process.

    For further information, contact Granite Mountain School at 928-717-3253.

Grades 7-8

  • Students in grades 7 or 8 attend Prescott Mile High Middle School. This school welcomes both students who live within and outside the School District boundaries. To enroll, use the link to the left.

    For further information, contact Mile High Middle School at 928-717-3241.


Grades 9-12

  • We welcome all students to PHS, including those who live outside the district boundaries, based on space available. New student enrollment is ongoing at this time. For students new to Prescott Unified School District, begin the enrollment process online. For Spring enrollments, you will be contacted by a PHS Academic Advisor in April to finalize your enrollment.

    For further information, contact Prescott High School at 928-445-2322.